186 new people have visited the forum 465 times in its first week. The average person looks at 14 pages per visit on this forum. There have been 28 posts & replies.
What does all of that mean? If you have questions or know answers, please post them. People are reading the posts that are here.
If you just want to browse the forum and can't find what you are looking for here, you should post your question, or check out one of these 2 Uruguay forums.
Skol and kudos! I feel one can never have too much useful information, and the readiness of people already in Uru to provide it is one of the best signs possible about la República.
Just wrote a lot of stuff about my working (and playing) forensic methods but think I'll move it to my profile instead. As devil's advocate on every subject, even those I believe in, I don't want people to misread my stuff.
Each of the "big 3" forums has its own selling points. I've been in the habit of pointing people to the other two, and have already notified many of this one's birth. Its newness is an advantage -- things get read more readily than in a site already bustling with activity.